Alternative Visions in Media Conference
November 8-9, 2013 Texas Christian University
Conference Preview
Presenters at the conference will be joining us from three countries (including Canada and the Netherlands) and approximately a dozen states (spanning from California to New York and from Indiana to Alabama).
Rachel Joseph of Trinity University will deliver our keynote address, which is titled "Screening Screened Stages: Collapsing the Boundaries Between Reproducibility and Presence." Her presentation will explore two particularly noteworthy Guy Maddin films as well as one production by performance artist Margaret Tedesco wherein the boundary between film and performance becomes something unstable and intriguingly in-between.
The range of intriguing presentation titles (far too many to list here!) includes:
Rachel Joseph of Trinity University will deliver our keynote address, which is titled "Screening Screened Stages: Collapsing the Boundaries Between Reproducibility and Presence." Her presentation will explore two particularly noteworthy Guy Maddin films as well as one production by performance artist Margaret Tedesco wherein the boundary between film and performance becomes something unstable and intriguingly in-between.
The range of intriguing presentation titles (far too many to list here!) includes:
- "Blaxploitation Redux: Direct-to-Video Distribution and the Reshaping of African-American Cinema"
- "Eyes Wide Open: Religious Obligation and the Burdens of Homosexuality"
- "Frankenstein, Hammer Gothic, and the Postwar Reinvention of Horror Cinema"
- "Home Sweet Home? Revisiting the Past That Will Not Be Forgotten in Beloved"
- "The Land of Misfit Films: Collecting Exploitation Films at the American Genre Film Archive"
- "Lena Dunham: Female Agency and the Provocateur"
- "Pixels, Grains, and the Materiality of the (Post-)Cinematic Experience"
- "Race, Racism, and Basic Cable Anti-Heroes: Exploring White Masculinities on FX"
- "Rope Sluts, and Bottoms, and Subs, Oh my! Masochistic Femininity and Feminist Kink Porn"
- "Will Ferrell and Abnormal Masculinity"
Preliminary Conference Program
The preliminary conference program was e-mailed to all conference participants on October 1, 2013. If you will be attending the conference and have not yet received this information, please contact Professor Hart ([email protected]).
Lodging Information
A block of rooms at the special conference lodging rate of $119.00 per night (plus applicable taxes) has been reserved at Residence Inn by Marriott (2500 Museum Way, Fort Worth, Texas 76107), located in the Fort Worth Cultural District within a few-minutes drive to the TCU campus. You can learn more about this hotel by clicking here. For reservations, please call (817) 885-8250. Be certain to mention that you will be attending the “TCU/FTDM Conference,” when making your reservation, in order to receive this special rate. Because the number of rooms available to us at this discounted rate is limited, we encourage you to make your lodging arrangements as soon as possible if you wish to stay at this hotel.